Design Studies

Naturalistic Art Deco Salon was a small project focused on floor pattern design in order to address wayfinding problems as well as meet the stylistic needs for the client. This was created utilizing AutoCAD to make the floor plan and Photoshop to render in the floor patterns.

Dark Academia Bedroom was a practice with utilizing Photoshop to create a mock-up for a room design. This is also one of the first poster design projects.

This Spanish-Inspired Villa was the end result of a project where we were tasked with working with a client (in this case another classmate) in order to create them a hobby room with inspiration from another country. The mood board shown above was the first step and created in InDesign, and the poster below was created utilizing SketchUp.

These two posters were all about designing furniture and lighting fixtures utilizing Biomimicry and Bio-utilization, respectively. It also was part of poster design and sketching practice.

This was a partner project where we were tasked with redesigning the desk area of a working Interior Designer. I created the material board seen on the right. I also was in charge of building the desk and rendering all materials in the SketchUp file seen below.

GROUNDED is a furniture line designed utilizing Revit. I created these from scratch with inspiration from natural elements.


Art History/Sculpture